Constitution of Alabama

Results: 687

51Government / United States Senate / United States Constitution / Constitutional amendment


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Language: English - Date: 2014-04-07 16:58:11
52Senate of Canada / Politics / Government of Alabama / David Vitter / Government / United States Senate / United States Constitution

Senate Daily Summary - No[removed]This week at a glance[removed]March 2006

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Language: English - Date: 2006-03-27 21:41:48
53United States House of Representatives / Senate of Canada / Parliament of Singapore / 41st Canadian Parliament / United States Constitution / Reading / Politics / Australian Senate committees / Government of Alabama / Government / Statutory law / United States Senate

No[removed] Senate Daily Summary Monday, 6 November 2006

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Language: English - Date: 2006-11-06 17:16:11
54Florida / Perdido River / U.S. state / Federal-Aid Highway Act / United States Constitution / Geography of Alabama / Geography of the United States / Geography of Florida

68 S T A T . ] PUBLIC LAW 35 1-MAY 6, [removed]

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Language: English - Date: 2014-10-30 14:54:11
55United States Constitution / Law / Humanities / Government / Batson v. Kentucky / Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution / Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution

IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF ALABAMA --------------------------------------------------------------X MICHAEL SOCKWELL, Petitioner,

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Language: English - Date: 2014-03-03 17:01:02
56Hospital Corporation of America / United States Senate / United States Constitution / United States Congress / Politics / Government of Alabama / Standing Rules of the United States Senate /  Rule XIV / Government / James Madison / Bill Frist

mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY July 8, 2004 ‘‘(9) such additional information as is required by the Secretary. ‘‘(e) PEER REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS.—The

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Language: English - Date: 2014-06-10 15:51:17
57Hospital Corporation of America / United States Senate / United States Constitution / United States Congress / Politics / Government of Alabama / Standing Rules of the United States Senate /  Rule XIV / Government / James Madison / Bill Frist

mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY July 8, 2004 ‘‘(9) such additional information as is required by the Secretary. ‘‘(e) PEER REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS.—The

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Language: English - Date: 2014-06-10 15:51:17
58Hospital Corporation of America / United States Senate / United States Constitution / United States Congress / Politics / Government of Alabama / Standing Rules of the United States Senate /  Rule XIV / Government / James Madison / Bill Frist

mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY July 8, 2004 ‘‘(9) such additional information as is required by the Secretary. ‘‘(e) PEER REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS.—The

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Language: English - Date: 2014-06-10 15:51:17
59United States Constitution / United States Senate / Senate of Canada / United States House of Representatives / Nebraska Legislature / Government of Alabama / Government / Louisiana Constitution / Louisiana law

Listing by Date[removed]SESSION RESTRICTED SUBJECT MATTER Exception: As to eliminating a projected deficit, bills changing established procedure to determine if appropriations exceed official forecast &

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Language: English - Date: 2014-09-23 15:41:13
60Clerk of the United States House of Representatives / Bill / United States Constitution / Nebraska Legislature / Government of Alabama / United States Senate / Government / Law

2014 Regular Session - Fact Sheet[removed]a) Subject matter - General in nature

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Language: English - Date: 2013-09-30 12:13:24